
the general office of the state council of the people’s republic of china issues the development outline of chinese food and nutrition-凯发网娱乐官网下载

10:03 february 10, 2014 the government net of the people’s republic of china


notice of the general office of the state council on issuing the outline of the program for food and nutrition development in china (2014-2020)

no. 3 [2014] of the general office of the state council


the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government; all ministries and commissions under the state council; and all institutions directly affiliated to the state council:

the outline of the program for food and nutrition development in china (2014-2020) has been approved by the state council, and is hereby issued to you. please implement it diligently.
general office of the state council
january 28, 2014
(this file is issued publicly)
the outline of the program for food and nutrition development in china (2014-2020)

over recent years, china's comprehensive farm produce production capacity has been steadily increased, with basic balance between the food supply and demand, with the general situation of food safety being stable and turning for the better, with marked improvement of the status of nutrition and health of residents, and with remarkable achievements made in food and nutrition development. however, china's food production is still unable to meet the demand for nutrition, with coexistence of under-nutrition and over-nutrition, and with deficiency of knowledge on nutrition and health, which must arouse heightened attention. to guarantee effective supply of food, optimize the structure of food, and strengthen improvement of nutrition of residents, this outline has been formulated.

i. general requirement
(a) guiding opinion
guided by deng xiaoping theory, the important thought of "three represents" and scientific outlook on development, comply the new hope of each nation for a better life. implement the task of the effective protection of the food supply, and promotion of balanced development, co-ordination of production and consumption; break through the focus products, areas and groups. focus on promoting the method transform of development on food and nutrition; strive to create the good social custom of supporting economy and opposing waste; and put efforts to improve people's health in order to support the building of moderately prosperous society significantly.
(b) basic principles
adhere to focus on both the quantity and quality of food. implement the national food security strategy which means to emphasis oneself, start from domestic condition, ensure the production capacity, import properly and get support from science and technology. in addition to focus the quantity of food, pay more attention to the quality. enhance the development and promotion of new variety in high- quality and improve the ratio of high-quality food in order to realize the unification of the production quantity & structure and quality & benefit of food.
adhere to the coordinated development of production and consumption. play the role of market mechanisms totally; guide the food consumption to be reasonable under the modern nutrition concept; form the demand-oriented modern food industry system gradually; and promote the coordinated development of production, consumption, nutrition and health.
adhere to the organic unification of tradition and innovation. inherit the traditional good dietary of focusing mainly on vegetable food and less on animal food; protect the featured traditional dietary, innovate and prosper the culture of chinese dietary; and learn the advantages of foreign dietary structures selectively so as to enhance the support level of dietary science and technology.
adhere to the effective combination of guidance and intervention. popularize the nutrition knowledge to public; guide the scientific and reasonable diet, prevent and control disorders of nutritional; and take differentiated interventions to different areas and groups based on their different demands for food and nutrition to improve the structure of food and nutrition.
(c) development targets
the production targets of foods. make sure that the grain is self-sufficiency, food rations is absolute security, enhance quality of food, optimize the structure of variety and enhance the capacity of food supply steadily. by 2020, the national grain production of china will steady increase to over 550 million, and the development of oil, meat, eggs, milk, fish and other production are all steady.
the development targets of food industry. accelerate the establishment of modern food processing and production system which has obvious features, outstanding advantages and reasonable structure layout; form series of medium and large-sized companies on foods processing and distribution which have reputed brand, high-quality product and strong core competence. by 2020, traditional foods processing will be increased largely, the foods processing technology will be improved significantly and the annual growth rate of national foods industry will keep on with 10% and more.
the consumption targets of foods. promote the healthy consumption patterns of various diets; control the consumption of edible oil and salt. by 2020, the average consumption for each person per year is: 135 kg of rations, 12 kg of edible vegetable oil, 13 kg of beans, 29 kg of meat, 16 kg of eggs, 36 kg of milk, 18 kg of aquatic products, 140 kg of vegetables and 60 kg of fruit.
the intake targets of nutrient. guarantee the intake of energy and protein adequate; control the intake of fat; and maintain the intake of vitamins and minerals properly. by 2020, the average daily intake of energy of each person around the nation is 2200-2300 kcal, in which the cereal for energy is no less than 50% and the fat for energy is no more than 30%; daily intake of protein for each person is 78 grams, and the proportion of high-quality protein in it should be more than 45%; the intake of micronutrient--vitamins and minerals should reach the health needs of residents.
the control targets of nutritional diseases. eliminate the malnutrition basically and control growth of nutritional diseases. by 2020, the growth rate of retardation of children younger than 5 years should be less than 7% of overall nation; the anemia rate of national residents should be controlled less than 10%, in which the anemia rate of maternal is control at 17% or less, the anemia rate of the elderly is controlled at 15% or less, anemia rate in children younger than 5 years is controlled at 12% or less; overweight, obesity and dyslipidemia growth rate of residents will decrease significantly.

ii. major tasks
(a) building the security system of foods quantity with stable supply, efficient operation, and effective supervision. it shall stable the arable land, accelerate the construction of high-standard farmland and adjust the agricultural structure positively to improve the production capacity of important agricultural grains. it shall develop the animal husbandry vigorously and improve the supply of beef, lamb and poultry. it shall develop the marine economy vigorously and guarantee the supply of aquatic product. broaden foods resources, and develop grains, woody grain and other produce referring to local conditions. it shall develop the early processing for the storage and preservation of agricultural products; promote the application of information technology, like internet; strengthen the establishment of service system for market network and distribution; accelerate the formation of modern foods market distribution system that is healthy, safe and in rational layout. strengthen the security intelligence analysis and monitoring and pre-warning of the quantity of agricultural products; perfect the storage system in central, local and enterprise levels for edible agricultural products and strengthen the macro-control capacity. it shall take more advantages of international agricultural markets and agricultural resources actively to adjust and supplement the supply of domestic foods.
(b) building the security system of foods quality with sound standards, complete systems and in-placed monitoring. it shall establish the most strict foods safety control system through the whole process; improve the foods standards for various types; implement the main duty of local companies in for the management production and operations and regulate the foods production, processing and sales. it shall accelerate the foundation of standardized base for raw material to create a group of demonstration gardens with standard horticultural crops, demonstration farms with standard livestock, demonstration farms with healthy aquatic breeding and demonstration counties with agricultural standardization. it shall promote the management rules for product introduction and strengthen the monitoring of quality of agriculture products. it shall promote the establishment of demonstration counties for the monitoring of quality of agriculture products. it shall also promote the construction of integrity system for companies on foods production, processing and distribution. it shall increase the punishment for dishonest companies, and enhance the integrity awareness of companies. it shall enhance the foundation of food safety information sharing and public management system and improve the rapid response mechanism so as to enhance the emergency settlement and the supervision and guidance on public opinion.
(c) establishing the improvement system on residents’ nutrition with regular monitoring, classified guidance and guided consumption. it shall establish and improve the monitoring and management system for residents' foods and nutrition and strengthen surveillance and analysis on the information. as for the focus areas and groups, it shall implement intervention and focus the issues like micronutrient deficiencies, excessive fat, and so on. it shall hold various nutrition educations to guide residents to form scientific dietary habits which will promote the establishment of healthy diet culture.

iii. development focus
(a) focus products
1. high-quality edible agricultural products. it shall implement the standardized production of edible agricultural products fully to enhance the product quality in "rice bag" and "basket". it shall develop pollution-free agricultural products and the production and management of green foods. it shall develop organic foods referring to the local conditions and work to be the good geographical indications of agricultural products. it shall also cultivate the agricultural brands with regional characteristics actively and protect the environment of origin strictly.
2. convenient nutritional processed foods. it shall accelerate the development of convenient foods, nutritious breakfast, snack foods, prepared foods and other new processed foods which meet the requirements of scientific nutrition and food safety standards to increase the varieties of supplied foods. it shall strengthen the scientific nutrition guidance for processing of staple food; strengthen the establishment of centralized system for production, distribution and sales of nutritional breakfast and fast foods to promote the industrialization and large-scale development for staple foods. it shall develop fortified foods and health foods and promote better nutrition of residents. it shall accelerate the transformation of the traditional industrialized foods production and promote the comprehensive development and utilization of agricultural products.
3. dairy and soybean foods. it shall support the foundation of milk base; strengthen the supervision on dairy market; foster the consumption market of dairy products and strengthen convergence in the chain of dairy industry to promote the construction of modern dairy industry. it shall play the role of traditional soybean resources in china fully and strengthen the researches on high-quality soybean and the cultivation of new varieties to support the development of domestic soybean industry and strengthen the scientific research on soybean production and refined processing. if shall implement the transformation of traditional technology for soybean products and develop new kinds of soybean products to promote the large-scale production of soybean products.
(b) focus areas.
1. poverty-stricken areas. it shall adopt the method of combining the support and development to improve the food consumption level of residents in poverty-stricken areas. it shall develop and take advantage of rational local foods resources to innovate ways to improve nutrition. it shall make sectors of the society participate in the support and development of poverty-stricken areas and implement the intervening measures to realize the basic food and nutrition security for people in poverty-stricken areas and get it improved gradually.
2. rural areas. it shall accelerate the economic and social development in rural areas and increase farmers' income. it shall strengthen the infrastructure construction of rural trade and distribution, which shall develop the urban modern distribution to rural areas and promote the market project of "thousands of villages and towns" to expand the rural foods market and get foods purchasing of rural residents convenient.
3. floating population concentrated areas and new towns in urbanization. it shall improve the diet conditions for migrant workers and strengthen the diet guidance of eating-out staff and residents from new town in urbanization. it shall advocate the civilized lifestyle and rational diet pattern to control the diet that is high-energy, high-fat and high-salt and reduce the incidence of nutritional diseases.
(c) focus groups.
1. pregnant women and infants. the balanced deployment of maternal nutrition shall be done with a focus on improving the condition of inadequate intake of calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin a in the diet of pregnant women with low income as well as preventing obesity, fetal macrosomia and other nutritional diseases caused by unreasonable diet among pregnant women with middle and high income. meanwhile, it shall vigorously promote breastfeeding while paying attention to the complementary feeding and nutritional supplements for infants aged from 6 months to 24 months in rural areas; strengthening the quality supervision on breast milk substitutes and infant food.
2. children and adolescents. it shall completely realize the nutrition security of rural children left behind by striving to reduce the incidence of growth retardation and iron deficiency anemia among the children and adolescents in rural areas. for urban children and adolescents, there is also an increase trend of overweight and obesity to be stopped. to solve such problems, it shall add the food and nutrition knowledge into primary and secondary school curriculum and strengthen the nutrition education for the teachers and parents as well as the guidance for the student cafeteria and nutrition catering units, so as to help the students develop scientific and healthy eating habits. what’s more, a stronger nutritional intervention is also needed with a larger supply of eggs and milk to ensure the food and nutritional needs are met.
3. elderly. it shall research and develop food products that meet the elderly health needs with a focus on the development of fortified, low-salt and low-fat foods; carry out the elderly nutrition surveillance and dietary guidance to scientifically guide the elderly on their nutritional supplement and proper diet, so as to improve their quality of life and health.

iv policy measures
(a) nationally promoting dietary and health knowledge. it shall strengthen the guidance of food and nutrition for the residents to enhance the people's nutritional awareness and promote a healthy lifestyle to establish a scientific diet concept. through studies, the "nutrition day" shall be established. to strengthen the nutrition and health education, activities shall also be held to promote the food and nutrition knowledge among households in villages (communities). to be more specific, it shall publish dietary guidelines that are suitable for groups with different characteristics on a regular basis in shopping malls, supermarkets, railway stations, airports and other places with large stream of people; give play to the main channel role of the major media on the public advocacy of food and nutrition knowledge to realize a more scientific dissemination of nutrition knowledge. a larger investment shall also be devoted to the development of food and nutrition industry by strengthen the infrastructure construction of circulation, catering services, etc.
(b) strengthening food production and supply. it shall fully implement the provincial governor responsibility system of "rice bag" and the mayor responsibility system of "shopping basket" to strengthen the food safety responsibility of local governments; increase the support for the production of edible agricultural products to protect the farmers' enthusiasm for production development; increase the support for food processing and circulation industry to encourage the  development of food processing industries in the main production areas and support the construction of food processing and distribution centers in medium and large cities for the development of joint and uniform distribution; strengthen agricultural ecological environment protection through effective governance on non-point source pollution; support to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation abroad in agriculture production and import and export especially with the neighboring countries.
(c) increasing the nutritional surveillance and intervention. it shall monitor the national nutrition and basic health while carrying out the food consumption survey with regular publish of the report of china residents' food consumption and nutritional health, guiding the residents to improve their food and nutrition; increase the financial input to improve the dining environment in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the poor and remote areas.
(d) promoting the legalization of food and nutrition management. it shall pay close attention to the research on food and nutrition related laws and regulations while carrying out legislative work to improve nutrition regulations in a timely manner; regulate food production and business activities according to the laws by carrying out special improvement and rectification as for the outstanding problems of food and nutrition, which also helps to create a safe, honest, and fair market environment; conduct innovative supervision over law enforcement on food and nutrition to improve the effectiveness of administrative supervision; carry forward the traditional virtues of diligence and thrift, forming good social practice of austerity against waste.
(e) accelerating technological innovation on food and nutrition. it shall guide the enterprises to increase their investment in science and technology of food and nutrition and strengthen their research on the focus areas and points of food and nutrition to meet the significant demand in the food, nutrition and health field; strengthen the research on the development of new food resources and the analysis techniques of food safety risks to improve food safety with technological innovation; enhance the research on food security monitoring and the early warning technology to promote the construction of food security information monitoring and early warning system; carry out in-depth study on the relationship between food, nutrition and health for a timely amendment of the dietary reference intake standards.

(f) strengthening organizational leadership and counseling. led by the ministry of agriculture and the national health and family planning commission, an inter-ministerial coordination mechanism shall be established for the joint implement of this outline by the national development and reform commission, the ministry of education, ministry of science and technology, ministry of industry and information technology, ministry of finance, ministry of commerce, china food and drug administration, state forestry administration, etc. it shall continue to give play to the advisory role of the national food and nutrition advisory committee to provide timely advice for government decision-making. the provincial people's governments should develop an implementation plan for the local food and nutrition development according to the objectives, tasks and priorities established in this outline while combining the local reality.


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