
the state of council of the people’s republic of china promotes the foundation of food safety system-凯发网娱乐官网下载

2014-02-11 02:31:38 resource: 21st century economic report (guangzhou)


to strengthen the safety on tip of tongues will be hopeful.
on february 10, the general office of the state of council issued the “development outline of chinese food and nutrition (2014-2020)” (called “outline” in the followings). in it, one of the major tasks is to build a food safety and security system that has the sound standards, complete systems and all-side supervisions.
according to the “outline”, the national grain production of china will steady increase to over 550 million in 2020. also, china will improve the overall food quality and ensure the ration absolutely safe.


relatively, the major task in that is to build a food safety and security system that has the sound standards, complete systems and all-side supervisions. what the “outline” requires are to build the strictest rules for food safety and supervision through the entire process, to strengthen standards for various foods and to implement the management and production of local government. the main responsibility is to regulate the production, processing and sales of foods.


the supervision duty of local government will also be strengthened. the “outline” puts forward that the duty of local government for food safety should be strengthened, and the system of provincial governors assuming responsibility for the "rice bag" program and city mayors for the "vegetable basket" program should be implemented entirely.


in this regard, wang xixin, the vice director of constitution and administrative law research center of peking university, focuses on the food safety supervision. he said to the reporter of 21st century economic report that, for the local government, safety supervision is not to supervise a special case, but to prevent and control the risk during the long development of food production, which means to combine the short and long-term development.


 the “outline” believes that the current total situation of chinese food safety is steady and goes well. while, great attention must be paid to the situations that food production still can not meet the requirement of nutrition and under-nutrition and over-nutrition of citizens coexist. so, more attention must be paid to quality and quality safety in order to release the unification of food production quantity & structure and quality & benefit.


 in this regard, the requirements in the “outline” are to promote the foundation of company’s integrity system on food production, processing and marketing, increase the punishment to companies breaking promises and enhance company’s awareness of sincerity managing. enhance the foundation of food safety information sharing and public management system and improve the rapid response mechanism so as to enhance the emergency settlement and the supervision and guidance on public opinion.

the legislation on food and nutrition is also expected to be promoted.

in addition, as for the policy measures, the "outline" asks the ministry of agriculture, health and family planning commission, development and reform commission, ministry of education, science and technology, ministry of industry and information technology, ministry of finance, ministry of commerce, food and drug administration, forestry administration, and etc. to participate in establishing the inter-ministerial coordination mechanism. then continue the role of food and nutrition advisory committee in consulting and providing decision-making consultation. the provincial governments should establish their own target, mission and emphasis on the basis of this “outline”.


attention is always drawn to the establishment and development of food safety and security system. in the end of last year, national health and family planning commission ever issued file to require the enhanced establishment of food safety risk analysis system, and require 32 provincial centers for disease control and prevention to be “provincial centers for national food safety and security system”. during the “two sessions” of chengdu in early this year, representative had suggested to strengthen the establishment of food safety system. in guangdong, the database of “blacklist” on food safety has been under construction.


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